Items where Subject is "300 Social Sciences > 370 Education"
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- 300 Social Sciences (70)
- 370 Education (70)
- 300 Social Sciences (70)
Annie K Jacob, Annie K Jacob (2005) A study of creativity among over achievers and under achievers of of ix standard in relation to certain psycho-social factors. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Archana Murigendrappa, Archana Murigendrappa (2008) Interaction effect of critical thinking, reasoning ability and information processing on problem solving ability in mathematics among ix standard students. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Atavaalagi, Suvarna (2007) Harapanahalli talukina padavi poorva hantada kala vanijya hagu vignana vibhagada vidyarthigala samvegatmaka buddhishakti avara shaikshanika sadhaneyondige hondiruva sambandhagala holikeya ondu adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Basppa, E (2002) Kuvempu Vishvavidyanilayada vyaptiyalli baruva padavi kaleju vidhyarthigala vyasangada kramada mele prabhav beeruva amshagala ondu adhyayana. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Bhanumati, M V (2007) Ombhattane taragati vidyarthigalalli hadihareyada shikshanada parinamada adhayayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Bhat, Dayanand D (2002) Construction and evaluation of self-instructional modules on environmental education for the B.Ed. trainees of Karnataka University. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Bhavya, L S (2008) Praowdhashala hantada vidyarthigala samaja-vignana sadhaneya mele vicharanadhina kalike gnanasamrachana madariya parinamada adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Dakshinamurthy, K (2004) An interaction effect of teachers teaching effectiveness, teachers personality and teachers attltude on acedemic achiement in social science among students studying in secondary schools. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Dhanyakumar, G K (2007) A study on problem solving ability of school students in relation to their academic achievement and socio-economic status. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ganesh, G M (2006) Praowdhashala vidhyarthigala alisuvike hagu oduvikeya grahana samarthyavannu hechisuva karyachatuvatikegala saphalya ondu prayogika adhyayana. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Geetha, T M (1999) Study of the adjustment problems of handicapped children of secondary schools in relation to the academic achievement in Karnataka state with reference to Chitradurga, Dharwad and Bellary districts. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Girisha, T (2011) Evaluating gender-bias in ratings of instructors teaching effectiveness among teacher training institutions in Chitradurga city. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Gopal Krishna Kolthaya, A G (2009) Impact of Ninasam and Shri Shivakumara Havyasi Kala Sangha theatre movements on art education a perspective study. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Gurubasappa, H D (2010) A study of critical thinking, emotional intelligence, creativity and their effect on academic achievement in science of secondary school students. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kantharaj, H M (2010) Development and validation of competency based teaching programme in enhancing teaching competencies of secondary student teachers in the context of globalization. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Karishetty, Jayaprakash M (2007) Hovinahadagali talukina praowdhashalegala mukhyopadhyayaru shala nirvahaneyalli edurisuttiruva samasyegala adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kavitha, R G (2007) Davanagere nagarada D.Ed. prashikshanarthigala swa-pratishteya mele avara mane vatavarana hagu vyakulateya prabhava kuritu oandu adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Khanum,, Naveeda (2018) Effectiveness of blended instructional strategy on the development of patriotism related variables. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Koushik, M C (2011) Effect of advance organizer model on achivement in biology of secondary school students. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Madhu, G (2014) Psychological correlates of academic achievement among the students of Morarji Desai schools of Shimoga district. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Madiwal, Balachandra K (2008) A study of self concept and achievement motivation on study habits of D.Ed students of Davanagere city. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Malagi, Vishwanath (1995) Examination of functioning of colleges of education using systems analysis. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Mallikarjunappa, H (2009) Evaluation of in-service programmes of colleges of teacher education (CTEs) in the state of Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Manjula, D (2008) Effect of job involvement and teacher effectiveness on job satisfaction of secondary school teachers. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Manjunath, H P (2009) Interaction effect of occupational stress, locus of control and job involvement on job satisfaction of PU college teachers. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Mary, Suvarna (1997) The effectiveness of training in study skills for high school underachievers in relation to their scholastic achievement. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Mohan Kumar, J (2011) A study on fears among adolescents in relation to their family relationship. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Mohan Kumar, T M (2007) Praowdhashala vidhyarthigala manasika udvegavu shaikshanika saadhaneya mele beeruva prabhavad adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Mohanesha, K H (2009) Shivmogga talukina 6ne taragati Banajaar vidyarthigalu Kannada bhasheya odugaarikeyallina doshagala kuritu ondu adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Muddumallesha, H (2011) Shala shiksha paṭhyakramadalli Kuvempu avara shaikshanika vicharagala alavadikeya vimarshaatmaka adhyayana. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Murthy, M C (2010) Praowdashala samaja vignana shikshakaru mattu vidyarthigalu samaja vignanada bagge hondiruva manobhava, vidyarthigala sadhana abhiprerane hagu shaala vatavarana vidyarthigala samaja vignana vishayadallina sadhaneyondige hondiruva sambandhada adhyana. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Nagaraj, G U (2011) A comparative study of the effects of teaching methods on the development of mathematical creativity among secondary school students of Bangalore city. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Nagarajaiah, R (1997) A critical study of utilization of the community resources in teaching social sciences in secondary schools of Bangalore rural district. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Narasimha Murthy, R (2005) A study of burnout among teacher educators of D.Ed. Institutions in relation to home climate, teaching competency and attitude towards teaching profession. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Neetha, A J (2008) An interaction effect of language proficiency, emotional intelligence and reasoning ability on teaching competency of D.Ed. students. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ningappa, K (2010) Bhadravati taallookina sarkari prathamika shaalegala mukhyopadhyayaru mattu poshakaru bisiyoota karyakramada bagge hondiruva abhipraya kuritu ondu adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Padma, B R (1999) Professional growth of secondary school women teachers in the districts of Chitradurga and Shimoga. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Pavitra, G O (2008) D.Ed. coursina nikata seva poorva tarabetiya vimarshatmaka adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Phani Burly, B K (2008) A study on the relationship between some psychological factors and home-climate on academic achievement of children studing in 7th standard of Davangere district. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Prakash, G (2007) Study of relationship between certain psychosocial factors and achievement of student teachers in secondary teacher training institutions of Davangere district. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Prashanth, N H (2008) Davanagere talukina 9ne taragati vidhyarthigala shala hondanike, sanvegatmaka ottada, manevatavaranavu shaikshanika sadhaneya mele beruva prabhavada adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Prashantha Kumara, T M (2011) Emotional intelligence, personality traits and their relationship with problem solving ability of pre- university science students. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Pratibha, B M (2008) Davanagere jilleya praowdhashalegalalli samaja vignana bodhaneyalli samudaya sampanmolagala balakeya adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Praveena, A (2022) Effectiveness of bicycle utilization on physical fitness components among secondary school students of Shivamogga district. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Raghavendra, U J (2010) 9ne taragati vidyarthigala Kannada bhasha odugarikeya vega mattu shaikshanika sadhaneya naduvina saha sambandhada adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Raju, K (2007) Prathamika shaala shikshanada gunamattavannu hechisuvalli samuha sampanmula vyaktigalu nirvahisuttiruva karyagala bagge prathamika shaala shikshakaru hondiruva abhiprayagala ondu adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Rakesh, S P (2012) A futures study on distance education courses of Kuvempu University. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Rakkasagi, Jayashree Veerappa (2011) A study on effectiveness of specially designed instructional material to promote value of sustainable development among B.Ed. students. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Rangnatha, M (2009) Hiriya praathamika hantada vidyarthigalu ganitada bhinnarashiyalli maduva doshagala bage vishleshanatmaka adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ravishankar, S (2007) Shalabhivrudhi mattu melustuvari samitiya bagge sarkaari kiriya prathamika, hiriya prathamika mattu praowdhashaalegala mukhyopadhyayaru mattu sahashikshakarugalu hondiruva manobhavaneya ondu adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Roopashree, B J (2009) A study on scientific creativity among over normal and under achievers in science of viii standard students in relation to some psychological factors. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sathish, C M (2005) An investigation into the interaction effect of some teachers factors on academic achievement in English language among students of secondary schools. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sathish, H B (2009) H.D.Kote talukina 7ne taragati girijana vidyarthigala aarogya samsyegalu, shaikshanika sadhane mattu sadhanaaabhipreranegaligiruva saha sanbandha adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shakila Banu, C R (2008) Effect of psychological, sociological and demographic factors on teaching effectiveness of teachers at secondary level. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shalini, J (2013) A study on effectiveness of English language learning through direct instruction model among Kannada medium secondary school students of Shimoga district. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shamshad Begum, B (2002) Emotional problems in secondary school children and its relation to life events and scholastic achievement. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shantaraja, S G (2007) Davangere talukina 8ne targati vidyarthigala shala hondanike, odugarikeya grahana shakti mattu shaikshanika sadhaneya sanbandhagala adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shilpa, V (2023) Study on skills of employability among postgraduate students of Kuvempu University. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shivakumar, G S (2008) An investigation into the environmental awareness, attitude and knowledge among the secondary school students of Davangere district. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sneha Hanji, S (2010) Investigation into the association of personal competencies and social competencies of secondary school students with their cognitive abilities. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Soumya, E T (2007) Hosanagar talukina 8ne taragati vidyarthigala shala hondanike, abhyasada havyasagalu mattu shaikshanika sadhaneya sambandhagala adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Srinivasa, T (2011) Analysis of professional colleges website in Davangere city. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Supriya, K N (2007) Kadooru talukina praowdhashala 9ne vargada vidyarthigala buddhishakti, srujanasheelate hagu shaikshanika sadhaneya sahasambandhada adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sushma, R (2011) A study on the effectiveness of a specially designed memory training package on enhancement of memory of secondary school students. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Tanoj Kumar, K M (2011) A study of certain psycho-social factors of physically challenged in relation to their adjustment. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Timmaraju, Y T (2010) Chitradurga talukina parishishta jaati, parishishta pangadada praowdhashalavidyarthigala shaikshanika sadhaneya mele prabhava beruva mano-samajika amshagala ondu adyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Venkatesh, Y B (2009) A study of the effectiveness of life skills education on attitude, self concept and problem solving ability in mathematics. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Venu Gopala, M (2011) A study on relationship between emotional maturity and academic achivement of secondary school students. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Yarrisvvamy, M C (2007) Individual need strength, locus of control, job involvement and burn out of teacher educators of teacher training institutes in the state of Karnataka in relation to their job satisfaction. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Yogish, N (2008) Moulya shikshanadedege D.Ed prashikshanarthigala manobhavane hagu avara samajika pakvateya toulanika adhyayana. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.