Items where Subject is "500 Science > 580 Botany"
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- 500 Science (80)
Abrar, Syed (2014) Macrofungal diversity in Shimoga district - Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Alekha, S R (2008) A field survey on some bacterial diseases of tomato grown in Shimoga district. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ambika, H.D. (2017) Diversity of subaerial algae on selected tree barks of tropical forests of Shimoga district. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Anil Kumar, C N (2012) Studies on the paddy field algal flora of cultivated soils of Davangere district. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Arasumallaiah, L (2006) Studies on the management of foot rot (Quick wilt) of black pepper in Malnad regions of Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Bhaskaran, Sunitha (2005) Ex situ conservation strategies for threatened medicinal plant species - Acorus calamus Linn and Adhatoda beddomei C. B. Clarke. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Boosanur, Vijaya (2008) Ethno-medico-botanical studies of local communities in Tiptur taluk, Karnataka, India. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Chakravarthy, C N (2001) Studies on seed borne fungal diseases of Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp.) and their control. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Chandrashekar, D G (2008) Diversity of Pyricularia oryzae Cavara on paddy crops in Shimoga district. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Chandrashekar, M B (2014) Studies on phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Epiprinus mallotiformis (muell.) croiz. in Western Ghats region, Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Daivasikamani, S (2009) Epidemiology and management of leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. and Br.) on arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) grown in Chikmagalur district of Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Deepa, J (2008) Studies on endophytic fungi in some medicinally important monocot plants of Malnad region of Karnataka. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Deepak, R (1999) Seed borne fungal diseases of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Deepak, R (2007) Studies on seedborne nature and transmission of Corynebacterium michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) in Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Dinesh, K P (2008) Morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization of Ethiopian arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L) germplasm in India. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Govindaraju, C (2009) Integrated management of blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cav) of rice (Oryza sativa L) with special emphasis on host resistance and use of natural products. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Gurumurthy, B R (2004) Studies on salt tolerance of selected economically important Perennial tree species. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Hemalatha, V N (2000) Isolation and characterization of antagonistic rhizosphere and rhizoplane fungi from forests around Kuvempu University Campus. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Jayanthi, K G (2009) Field survey for the incidence of important fungal diseases on potato grown in Arasikere taluk of Hassan. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Jyothi Lakshmi, S (2009) Studies on comparative anatomy of certain Epiphytic orchids. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Karegowda, C (2008) Integrated management of damping-off disease of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) caused by Pythium aphanidermatum (Ed.) Fitz. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kishora Naik, K (2008) Genetic variability studies in natural populations of Terminalia paniculata roth (Combretaceae). Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kodiyalmath,, Jayashree K. (2018) Bioprospecting of selected macrofungi in taluks of Shimoga district. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Lokesh, G H (2011) Studies on the ecological characteristics of a famous lake Kunigal, Tumkur district. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Mahishi, Parinitha (2006) Studies on diseases of medicinal herbs in Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary Karnataka (India). Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Mallikarjuna Swamy, G E (2007) Studies on fungal diseases of medicinally important tree species in Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary Karnataka (India). Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Mantur, Suresh G (2007) Studies on epidemiology host resistance and management of blast of Finger millet [Eleusine coracana (L) Gaertn]. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Monesha, E (2008) An analysis of diversity of Asteraceae members in Chitradurga taluk. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Nagarathna, N M (2014) Studies on fungal diversity of forests and agricultural soils in Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Nagashree, B R (2014) In-vitro induction of salinity tolerance in Acacia auriculiformis A Cunn ex Benth and Azadirachta indica A Jussn. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Naik, Lata S (2009) Phytochemical analysis of an indigenous medicinal plant Acacia polyacantha Willd. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Nandini, G M (2009) Impact of multimicronutrient mixture on seed germination, grown and productivity of groundnut (Arachis hypogea L) in Davanagere district of Karnataka state. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Nataraja, S (2002) Biology and control of seed-borne diseases of rice with special reference to kernel smut and stack burn diseases. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Nayaka, Suresh S (2008) Assessment of management induced changes on cropping pattern and its productivity: a case study of Sujala watershed Haveri district of Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Onkara Naik, P (1999) Physico-chemical and biological characteristics of River Cauvery bordering Mysore district. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Palled, Somalingappa B (2009) Field survey and identification of some important fungal diseases on maize grown in Gadag district, Karnataka. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Parashurama, T R (2013) Studies on diseases of certain herbaceous medicinal plants in some forests of Chikmagalur and Shimoga districts, Karnataka, India. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Pavithra, H R (2014) Morphometric diversity and biochemistry of seed development in Pongaaria pinnata (L) Fieme. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Prabhushankar, H R (2007) Genetic studies on new sterile (A) maintainer (B) and restorer (R) lines developed through recombination breeding in cotton Gossypium hirsutum (L). Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Prakasha, H M (2007) Plant diversity and dynamics among different forest communities in Bhadra wildlife Sanctuary Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Prarthana, S (2011) Molecular and biochemical evaluation of tomato (Lycopersicum spp) genotypes and development of tomato transgenic with ySAMdc gene for higher lycopene. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Prasad, D (2011) A study on aquatic fungi of Tunga river and their significance in the degradation of organic substances of plant origin. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Raghavendra, S (2005) Studies and management of soil borne fungal diseases of betelvine (Piper betle L.). Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Rajakumar, N (2010) Documentation of phyto-ethno-medical knowledge of local communities in Shimoga district of Karnataka, India. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Rajeshwari, H S (2008) Production of single-cell protein by Aspergillus niger from pulse husk. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Raju, G H (2014) Diversity of aquatic fungi in Shimoga district of Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ramalingappa, Ramalingappa (2005) Studies on characterization of lipase catalyst microorganisms in groundnut industrial waste. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ramesh, B H (2002) Studies on the bacterial diseases of French bean with special reference to halo blight. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ramesh, G (2008) Studies on combined use of organics and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of Kalmegh. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ravi Kumar, B S (1998) Water quality and conservation strategies for some inland waterbodies of Hassan District. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Reena Roy, D (2009) Bioprospecing of certain oil seed cakes for the biological management of seedborne diseases of crop plants. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Roopa, V (2009) Phytochemical analysis of ethnobotanical formulation to treat Chikungunya in humans. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sarala, P (2008) Distribution, nutritive value and mineral composition of a few medicinal plants of Shimoga district Karnataka. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sathisha, A M (2007) Survey and documentation of Bryophytes in Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary-Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shankar Naik, B (2008) A study on diversity of endophytic fungi in some tropical medicinal plants of Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shashikala, J (2006) Studies on aflatoxins in soybean [Glycine max (L) Merrill] seeds. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shenoy, Sowmya P (2008) Effect of certain solvent fractions of edible botanicals on the storage fungi of crude herbal (seed) drugs. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shwetha, A N (2009) In vitro production of salt tolerant strains of Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam and Pongamia pinnata (L) Pierre. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Somashekhara Achar, K G (2012) Studies on diseases of certain medicinally important climbers in some forests of Chikmagalur and Shimoga districts, Karnataka, India. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Soumya, M N (2009) Development of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers for root traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Srikanth, A V (2008) Geographical distribution of Jatropha curcas L. in Shimoga district and selection of superior varieties for biodiesel production. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sringeswara, A N (2006) Vegetation analysis in Kudremukh National Park region of the Western Ghats, Karnataka, India. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Srirama, B R (2014) Chemical profiling and molecular characterization of economically important species of Phyllanthus in peninsular India. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Studies on seed borne fungal diseases of oil seeds in Karnataka, O (2009) Studies on seed borne fungal diseases of oil seeds in Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Subrahmanya, K.N (2017) Studies on biochemical markers to screen tobacco mosaic virus disease resistance tolerance in Nicotiana tabacum L. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Suchitra, S K (2009) Isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds from endophytic fungi of Piper species. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sunil Kumar, T V (2023) Evaluation of traditional storing practices for paddy in Malnad region of Karnataka for seed traits. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Supritha, S (2010) Studies on the paddy field soil algae of Shimoga district. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Surendra Kumar, B (2010) Phenology and regeneration studies in Cinnamomum malabatrum (Burm F) Bi.: a commercially important forest resources of the Central Western Ghats. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Suresh, L M (2013) Diagnosis and molecular characterization of emerging viral diseases of certain cucurbitaceous crops in Maharashtra, India. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Suresha, H R (2014) Effect of environmental factors on diversity of aquatic fungi in Chikmagalur District Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Swapna, S (2013) Macrofungal diversity in Chikmagalur district-Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Thippeswamy, B (2003) Seed borne fungal diseases of vegetable crops in Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Udupa, Kumaraswamy E S (2012) Studies on distribution and biology of orchids in Chikmagalure district, Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Usha, Y B (2009) Diversity of aquatic macrophytes around Davangere, Karnataka. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Vasantha Kumar, K (2010) Studies on the Ralstonia solanacearum causing bacterial wilt of the solanaceous vegetable crops in Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Vasudev, H S (2007) Standardization of agro-techniques for production of quality seed in marigold (Tagetes erecta L). Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Vidya, H V (2009) Identification and characterization of major fungal and bacterial diseases of chilli in Ambale Hobli of Chikmagalur district Karnataka. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Vinayaka, K S (2011) Studies on diversity, distribution and ecology of macrolichens occurring in Central Western Ghats of Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Vishwabharati, A T (2009) Antimicrobial activities of Calvatia craniiformis (Schwein) Fr and Bovista aestivalis (Bonard) Demoulin. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.