Items where Subject is "600 Technology > 660.6 Biotechnology"
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Abhilash, K V (2011) Molecular profiling of human temporal lobe epilepsy. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ambika, P (2008) Evaluation of preliminary phytochemical constituents and pharmacological studies on Coldenia procumbens Linn. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Arpana, J (2010) Development of effective 'microbial consortia' with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting rhizomicrorganisms for the sustained cultivation of patchouli. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Asha, S K (2008) In vitro studies on antimicrobial, anthelmintic and antioxidant properties of Euphorbia tirucalli L. latex. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Chandrashekara, K N (2006) Generation of single chain antibody fragments scFv for detection of Ralstonia solanacearum causing bacterial wilt of tomato. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Dasegowda, K R (2010) Comparative evaluation of AIDS protein and its structure prediction. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Deepali, B S (2007) Development of Bt transgenic brinjal cv. Arka Keshav resistant to the brinjal shoot and fruit borer Leucinodes orbonalis. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Duleep Kumar Samuel, L (2008) Molecular detection and analysis of huanglongbing bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus vectored by Diaphornia citri kuwayama hemiptera psyllidae causing Coorg mandarin decline. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ekbote, Maruthi T (2010) Phytochemical and pharmacological studies in Azima tetracantha Lam. and Coculus hirsutus L. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Fernandez, Liril (2006) Sequence and genome analysis of banana bunchy top virus DNA components 1-6. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Gavimath, Chidananda C (2008) Isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds from aegle marmelods and butea monosperma. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Geetha, G T (2014) Molecular systematics, identification of myllocerus subfasciatus pheromone and toxicity of Bt to M.undecimpustulatus marshall. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Gnanesh, A U (2012) Investigations of pollen fertility, in vitro regeneration, phenotypic and genotypic traits of land race varieties of rice (Oryza sativa l). Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Godekar, Lakshmi R (2008) Identification of novel candidates associated genes via genome analysis of hypothetical genes of virulent serotype 2 strain D39 of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Gouthamchandra, K (2010) Phytochemical Analysis and evaluation of pharamacological and anti-tumor properties of Clerodendrum infortunatum L. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Gowda, Ramanjani P H (2006) Regeneration and transformation of crop plants with glucanase chitinase gene for fungal disease resistance. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Gurumurthy, H (2009) Phytochemical and pharmacological investigations of bioactive compounds from Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. and Aerva lanata Juss. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Harish, B G (2008) In vitro studies, phytochemical evaluation and pharmacological screening of some medicinal plants of the Western ghats. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Hoskeri, Joy Harris (2012) Proteomics analysis and in-silico drug designing studies on hepatoprotectivity f herbal constituents isolated from Flaveria trinervia C. Mohr. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Jagadish, K (2008) Generation of transgenic tomato carrying single chain antibody fragments scFv against viral expressed genes of tospovirus. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Jamuna, K S (2010) Comparative studies of antioxidant property in some common fruits. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Jyothsan Rao, P (2013) Development of edible vaccine for foot and mouth disease through immunogen-gene transfer in sunnhemp. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kalyani, G A (2012) Phytochemical investigation and evaluation of hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Desmodium triquetrum L. DC. and Luffa acutangula L var amara Roxb CL. in CCl4-induced liver damage in rats. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kammar, Mahantesh R (2005) Morphometric and melissopalynological studies on Indian honey bee Apis cerana F. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kandasamy, Kumaran (2009) Bioinformatics analysis of mass spectroscopy derived data. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kathyayani, G V (2010) Studies on biodegradation of crude oil components from the soil of Tumkur region. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kavitha, B T (2009) Isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds from Tinospora cordifolia and Hemidesmus indicus. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kavitha, G C (2008) Evaluation of antioxidant and antimutagenic properties of Chrozophora rottleri. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Krishna Murthy, N B (2002) Studies on the comparative growh of silkworm reared on different mulberry varieties in Shimoga and Chikmagalur districts of Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kumar, Akilesh N (2008) Comparative genome analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis CDC1551 and Mycobacterium bovis BCG. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kumar,, G Vijaya (2014) Development of ceramic nano structures and its applications in protein purification. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kumara Hegde, B A (2008) Studies on River Netravati with a special reference to pollutant bioremediation. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Kumari, Chaithra B (2008) Antioxidant and antimutagenic effects of Bombax malabaricum and Ceiba pentandra. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Lakshmana, Lakshmana (2004) Fermentation study of some edible hilly fruits occurring in the Western ghats: with special reference to physico-chemical characteristics, microbial spoilage and storage capacity. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Lavanya, B (2014) Transcriptomic and proteomic prifiling of degenerative and inflammatory arthritis. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Lingaraju, G M (2013) Phytochemical screening for active constituents and evaluation of pharmacological activities of stem bark of Semecarpus anacardium L. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Mahesh, T (2002) Effects of dietary vitamin C, vitamin E and Selenium on broodstock management in the Indian major carp - Labeo rohita hamilton with special reference to seed qualities. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Manjula, R (2007) Biochemical and molecular changes associated with interaction of Trichpderma harzianum and Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. cubense in banana. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Manjunatha, B K (2002) Studies on the floristic composition of Davanagere district, Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Mankani, Krishna Lingaraddi (2004) Evaluation of phytochemical constituents screening of hepatoprotective activities of some indigenous medicinal plants of Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Manoj Kumar, A (2007) Development of integrated disease management package and transgenic technology for the control of powdery mildew Leveillula taurica in capsicum Capsicum annuum L. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Maruthi, K R (2002) In vitro studies on celastrus paniculatus: an endangered medicinal plant of the Western ghats of Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Mathivanan, Suresh (2008) Integration of human genomic and proteomic data through distributed annotation. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Murthy, Narayana G (2007) Studies on the production of citric acid by solid state fermentation utilizing agro industrial waste available in and around Shimoga district. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Nagaraja, D (2014) Functional genomics of drought responsive genes in pigeonpea (cajanus cajan L.). Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Nagaraja, T S (2012) Phytochemical screening and pharmacological evaluation of Erythrina mysorensis Gamb. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Nagaraja, Y P (2002) In vitro studies on Andrographis paniculata nees and Andrographis alata nees. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Naik, Dhananjay (2003) Biotechnological approaches for the management of wilt disease complex in capsicum Capsicum annuum L. and egg plant Solanum melongena L. with special emphasis on biological control. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Naika, Raja H (2008) Micropropagation, evaluation of phytochemical constituents and screening of pharmacological activities of Clematis gouriana Roxb. and Naravelia zeylanica L. DC. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Nanjundappa, Jagadish N R (2009) Evaluation of pharmacological and anti-tumour properties in Echinops echinatus Roxb. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Navale, Prakash M (2014) Studies on RNAi based gene silencing of tomato fruit borer, helicoverpa armigera hubner using trasgenic tomato plants producing ds RNA. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Niranjan, Vidya (2007) Comprehensive analysis and functional annotation of human X-chromosome and detailed anlysis of Xq22.1. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Pallavi, M (2008) Evaluation of antibacterial, antioxidant and antimutagenic properties of Rotula aquatica. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Paramesha, M (2009) In vitro multiplication, phytochemical evaluation and screening of pharamocological properties of safflower (Carthamus tinctorious L.) - variety Annigeri-2. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Parvathi, C (2006) Role of honey bees in pollination of small cardamom Nettaria cardamomum L. Maton. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Parvathi, K M M (2012) Phytochemical evaluation and pharmacological studies in anogeisus latifolia roxb. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Patil, Deepti V (2010) Micropropagation studies on Delonix elata linn. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Prabha, M N (2008) Studies on pharmacological activities of Euphorbia tirucalli L. latex. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Prabhavathi, H (2010) Screening of acidophilic and chitinolytic microbes and production of chitinase by solid state fermentation using shrimp waste as solid substrate. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Pradeep, K (2014) Comparative screening of phytoconstituents of leaves, stem bark and their calli, and evaluation of pharmacological properties of Delonix elata linn. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Pradeep Kumar, K B (2007) Impact of hexachlorocyclohexane application in coffee plantations on the Western ghat ecosystem. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Prakash, D P (2006) Genetic engineering of insecticidal Bt cry1 Ab gene into South Indian brinjal Solanum melongena L. Cv. Manjarigota for resistance to shoot and fruit borer Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Raghu, K L (2010) Comparative studies on antioxidant property in some common vegetables. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Rajesh, R (2011) Development of a comprehensive manually curated signaling pathway resource with current insights into signal transduction. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ramadas, K (2009) Studies on extraction of bioactive chemicals with special reference to metal ions from medicinal plants in Western ghat region. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ranganatha, S (2014) In silico proteomics and docking studies of NF-KB from mammals. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ranganatha, S (2008) NF-kB protein sequence analysis for lymphoma. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Rashmi, H J (2005) Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of tomato and chilli for fungal resistance. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Rashmi, S (2011) Development and evaluation of transgenic crop resistant to tospovirus. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ravindranath, B S (2014) Study of causative agent for infective chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with reference to chlamydophila pneuminiae through bioinformatics approach. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ravishankar, P (2012) Evaluation of elite lines for HCA content, phytochemical studies and pharmacological properties of Kokum (Garcinia indica choisy) and punarpuli (Garcinia gummi-guffa (L) robson) in the Western Ghats of Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ravishankar, Sandhya (2006) Development of sopreless/low spore shedding strains of Pleurotus species. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Ravishankara, B E (2013) Pharmacological evaluation of inset galls available in Western ghats. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Reddy, Kalpana N (2006) Studies on histopathological, histochemical and biochemical aspects of downy mildew Peronoscierospora sorghi Western and Uppal shaw on maize Zea mays L. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Rejesh, K P (2014) Evaluation of anti-gastric ulcer property of mesua ferrea linn. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Renu Goel, Renu Goel (2012) Mouse protein reference database - a comprehensive resource of mouse protein information. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sadananda, T S (2014) Isolation, characterization and molesular mechanism of anticancer agents from endophytes viscum album L. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sameer Kumar, G S (2011) Gene expression profiling of neurological disorders using whole human genome microarray. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Santhosh, K H (2014) Phytochemical screening for active constituents and evaluation of pharmacological properties of cryptostegia grandiflora. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Santosh Kumar, S R (2014) Micropropagation studies, screening of phytochemical constituents and evaluation of pharmacological activities of Caesalpinia bonducella (L.) roxb. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Seema Tharannum, Seema Tharannum (2013) Isolation and characterization of chromium tolerant bacteria in industrial effluents with special reference to utilize them as bioremedial agents. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shankar Murthy, K (2006) In vitro studies and comparative screening of hepatoprotective activities of some medicinal plants, Malnad region of Karnataka. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shanthala, L (2006) Molecular and biochemical characterization of blast disease resistance caused by Pyricularia grisea in finger millet Eleusine coracana Gaertn. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sharath, R (2008) Studies on induction and evaluation of secondary metabolites in virto and genetic finger printing of induced somaclonal variants using molecular markers for phytochemical constituents, particularly bacoside in brahmi (Bacopa monnieri L. Wettest). Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sharma, Naveen (2007) Candidate genes, oligonucleotide microarray markers for the QTLs controlling abiotic stress in rice Oryza sativa L. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shashikumar, R (2011) Evaluation of phenotypic and genotypic variation among in-vitro regenerates of Musa cavendish variety Grandnaine. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shilpa, M (2008) Evaluation of in vitro antioxidants and antimutagenic properties of crude extracts of stem bark of Ficus glomerata Roxb. Masters thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shivaji,, Gaikwad Avinash (2022) Assessment of genotoxicity among unorganized occupational group workers using biological markers. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shivakumar, K (2009) Human microarray database: as a resource for genomics research. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shivanna, H (2002) Cellular and molecular studies on differentiating diversified cytoplasmic genetic male sterility in jowar, Sorghum bicolor L. Moench. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shruthi, S D (2012) Phytopharmacological evaluation and in dlico drug designing to osteoarthritis kirganelia reticulata baill. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shubha, S (2008) Development of effective biocontrol agent against sucking pests of chilli, Capsicum annuum using Fusarium sp., Verticillium lecanii and Metarrhizium anisopliae. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Shylaja, M (2005) Studies on the development of biointensive disease management strategies in tuberose Polyanthus tuberosa La and carnations Dianthus caryophyllus La using biological control agents. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Singh, Jagdeesh S D (2005) In vitro studies and evaluation of pharmacological activity of a medicinal plant of Malnad region of Karnataka: Elephantopus scaber linn. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sridhara Murthy, N B (2009) Phytochemical screening and evaluation of antioxidant and anti-tumour properties in Xanthium strumarium L. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Sudeep, H V (2012) Phytochemical and pharmacological investigations of Eugenia jambolana Lam. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Suneetha, C (2005) Isolation, cloning and characterization of chitinase gene from entomogenous fungi Nomuraea rileyi Metarhizium anisopliae. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Telikicherla, Deepthi (2011) Breast cancer database BCD: a database of the genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and drug_induced molecular alterations in breast cancer. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Telkar, Sandeep (2014) Comparative genomics and protein interaction studies of VGS, causative for serologically infective CVD. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.
Vastrad, Neeta V (2005) Clonal propagation of papaya in vitro from field grown trees. Doctoral thesis, Kuvempu University.